Posts tagged salmon recipe
Chilled Poached Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce Recipe

Say “Mrs. Smith’s Fish Sauce Shop” five times fast... I can’t do it twice. But rather than taking 10 minutes to untwist your tongue, you could pull together this super-easy poached fish dish. By the time you can utter “Fisherman Fritz fishes fresh fish, fresh fish does fisherman Fritz fish,” this salmon will be perfectly chilled and ready to be smothered in the zesty dill sauce.

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New York Pickled Salmon Recipe

To us, the true gem of the brunch world is pickled salmon. Much like what you’d find at the Upper West Side landmark, Zabar’s, salmon and onions are “cooked” in a zippy sweet and sour marinade. the resulting tender pink salmon needs no disguise – maybe just a nice slice of pumpernickel for this Broadway star.

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